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“Art and Magick always call to each other," said 15th century sponsor of Renaissance artists & ruler of Florence, Italy Cosimo de’ Medici. This statement could not apply to anything better than Tarot. Keep discovering

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Alchemist Tarot 3-Card Layout Sheet

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Alchemist Tarot 3-Card Layout Sheet

Product Details

Download this 3-card layout as a replacement to an already purchased Alchemist Tarot deck or use with any tarot deck of your choice.

The 3-card layout sheet is a perfect way to simplify a basic tarot reading in just three easy steps - Past, Present & Future. Even though this is a quick way to obtain a tarot reading it is surprisingly comprehensive when used in conjunction with the download booklet that comes with this deck. By finding the respective divinations provided in the booklet will help gain thorough insight with every reading you do.

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